Lessons from policy implementation

Student information

Author: Ines Eline Ferrier

Institution: Erasmus University Rotterdam

Graduation year: 2016

Mobility management at Erasmus University Rotterdam: lessons learnt from policy implementation and how to move forward

This thesis evaluates the mobility management policy that was put in place by the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) in 2011. The goal of the policy was to see a reduction in car commuters in order to become a more sustainable campus.

Several policies were put in place. This thesis gives special attention to the introduction of parking charges since June 2013. The analysis is based on three years of data, which is provided by the EUR via surveys in 2010, 2014 and 2016.

The statistical analyses find four factors that predict car commuting:

  • car availability,

  • arrival time,

  • type of function of the employee and

  • number of days one commutes per week.

The perceived accessibility has decreased since 2010, and there has been a reduction of car commuters by 6.80% points. The introduction of parking fees shows a decrease in car commuting. Furthermore, an estimation of the reduction in CO2 is made, which finds a total daily reduction of 1137.8 kg CO2 in 2016 compared to 2010.

The results suggest that the EUR is well on its way to realise their aim in reduction of employee commuting, and that future policy measures are likely to be found in behavioural as opposed to parking measures. Overall, the EUR has become a more sustainable campus since 2010.